Posts tagged democracy
When breakdown becomes imminent
Apr 14th
“To summarize in plain language: if we allow society’s winners to continue organizing how society functions, because of their narrow interests they will almost always perpetuate their winnings until the system becomes so irresilient that a breakdown becomes imminent.” pg.33
The Great Release, Robb Smith
Democracy in the US is in great danger at the moment: 14/04/2020.
Tearing Down the System
Nov 22nd
“In a nutshell, American politics have tilted our economic system so far in favor of wealthy elites—and this has been by and large a bipartisan project—that establishment lawmakers are really the ones guilty of “tearing down” a modest (if flawed) system that once upon a time distributed riches more fairly. When Americans—the vast majority of whom are not millionaires—read reports like this one showing that “[f]or the first time in history, U.S. billionaires paid a lower tax rate than the working class last year,” for Obama to ask us to not tear down the system is deeply insulting. The system has already been destroyed—by billionaires and their backers in Congress and the White House, including Obama.”
Sonali Kolhatkar is a columnist for Truthdig. She also is the founder, host and executive producer of “Rising Up With Sonali,” a television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV (Dish Network, DirecTV,
Congress Gives Sacred Apache Land to Foreign Mining Company
Jul 30th
Congress Gives Sacred Apache Land to Foreign Mining Company
San Carlos Apache Leader Seeks Senate Defeat of Copper Mine on Sacred Land
“Congress is poised to give a foreign mining company 2,400 acres of national forest in Arizona that is cherished ancestral homeland to Apache natives. Controversially, the measure is attached to annual legislation that funds the US Defense Department.”
Who has crossed the Rubicon? Has the die been cast already?
Apr 27th
How to Undermine Democracy – Curtail Civil Society Rights
By Cathal Gilbert, Dom Perera, and Marianna Belalba, CIVICUS
JOHANNESBURG, Apr 25 2017 (IPS) – Recent elections and referendums in a growing number of countries from Turkey to the USA and beyond are producing leaders and policies, which directly threaten some of the core principles of democracy. In an increasing number of established and fledgling democracies, we see ruling parties violating the fundamental freedoms to speak-out, rally behind a cause and get involved in a social movement.
David Cameron considers a referendum on Europe
Oct 2nd
David Cameron considers a referendum on Europe
“The prime minister is considering making a major speech about Britain’s future relationship with Europe before December’s EU leaders summit.
The speech would set out his vision of how the UK will respond to the recent call from the European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso, for a new EU Treaty creating”
“a democratic federation of nation states”.
I challenge the use of the word “democratic” in this context. See below:
Comitology (or ‘committee procedure’) refers to the procedures under which the European Commission executes its implementing powers delegated to it by the legislative branch (i.e. the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union) with the assistance of so called ‘comitology committees’ consisting of Member State representatives. This delegation of power is now based on Article 290TFEU.
Comitology committees emerged in the 1960s when the Council realised that it lacked the resources to make all necessary implementation rules and decided to delegate implementing powers to the Commission. Today, most EU regulation is not enacted as legislation by the European Council or the European Parliament but as implementation measures under the executive duties of the Commission.
Notice the key phrase: “Today, most EU regulation is not enacted as legislation by the European Council or the European Parliament but as implementation measures under the executive duties of the Commission.”
To call this democratic is entirely misleading. It is the commission that holds the power in the EU, not parliament. The council represents the governments and is overburdened by thousands of lobbiest who represent corporate interests.
“Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.”
Folks, this is definitely not what we have and we will have even less of it for as long as we stay in the EU.
Most people that I have talked to about the situation when the UK voted to join the EEC thought they were joining an economic union and not a political union. They feel they had the wool pulled over their eyes. Perhaps we can see more clearly now.