Reality Transurfing
Fundamentals of Transurfing: A Rewording of Ideas from Vadim Zeland’s Reality Transurfing Vol 1
You can Choose your Reality
Reality presents itself in a numberless variety of appearances. These appearances form according to our basic beliefs as to how the world is. No appearance is more or less valid than any other appearance. This is the fundamental quality of our world. Material objects manifest for us according to the sensory apparatus of our earthly bodies augmented and filtered by how our species and culture view what is possible to be. All possibilities are already there in an informational field that Vadim Zeland [VZ from now on] calls the Space of Variations. It serves as a template governing how matter moves through space and time. It is important to understand that each point in this space contains its own variation of possible outcomes from each event. All variations of all possible events – past, present and future are available. Each observer of each event manifests reality according to their worldview which, as mentioned above, is governed according to the sensory apparatus of our earthly bodies augmented and filtered by how our species and culture view. These events, when we attempt to order our experience; manifest as a series of causes and effects strung together in a time line that we view as our past, present and future. VZ refers to this as our Life-Track. Waves of thought energy materialise each variant as long as it is defined by consciousness – or in other words, fits our worldview. *
*All of the above has been observed and studied by many quantum physicists, especially the late Hugh Everett III. [1930-1982] Everett termed his research findings as his “relative state” formulation but it is more widely known as the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics. Everett opposed the views of the day [Copenhagen interpretation] and proposed that wave functions did not collapse and therefore there were an infinite number of outcomes of each event. The observer only sees one outcome but the others, according to Everett, do exist. Although Everett was ridiculed in his day, presently, over 50% of quantum physicists accept his views. His mathematics have never been disproved.
Adrian Kent’s Explanation of the “Many Worlds” Theory
I’ve often thought that Vadim Zeland was using his knowledge of Hugh Everett III when he talks about space of variations and our life-track; especially when he asserts that we can choose alterations to our life-track or where it seems our life-track is leading us. We don’t create the altertations because they already exist in the space of variations.
“On this view, every time any of us does a quantum experiment with several possible outcomes, all those outcomes are enacted in different branches of reality, each of which contains a copy of our self whose memories are identical up to the start of experiment, but each of whom sees different results. None of these future selves has any special claim to be the real one. They are all equally real – genuine but distinct successors of the person who started the experiment. The same picture holds true more generally in cosmology: alongside the reality we currently habit, there are many others in which the history of the universe and our planet was ever so slightly different, many more in which humanity exists on Earth but the course of human history was significantly different from ours, and many more still in which nothing resembling Earth or its inhabitants can be found.” Our Quantum Problem by Adrian Kent
There are other similar theories.
Richard Feynman advocates what he calls multiple histories which is similar to the many-worlds theory.
H. Dieter Zeh states:
“The idea of many-minds was suggested early on by H. Dieter Zeh in 1995. He argues that in a decohering no-collapse universe one can avoid the necessity of distinct macrorealms (“parallel worlds” in MWI terminology) by introducing a new psycho-physical parallelism, in which individual minds supervene on each non-interfering component in the physical state. Zeh indeed suggests that, given decoherence,[dephasing] this is the most natural interpretation of quantum mechanics.” Wikipedia
It follows that each entity, human in this discussion, has its own Life-Track. Does this mean that each event in our lives is predetermined? Certainly not. Then how does change come about? Let me digress here.
Most of us remember new age concepts that to a great extent have been ridiculed. For instance, one concept is as follows: You make your reality! Most people rejected this out of hand primarily because they saw themselves locked, out of control, in a world full of fearsome events. They survive out of “luck” And live in constant dread of disaster. Some are careful what they say lest the “smite-button” crush them, resulting in poverty and starvation.
Major religions created spiritual masters called priests who spoke for God, the creator and assured their followers that if they followed the directions of the priests they would obtain eternal life in a place called heaven. According to the doctrine, Earthly existence was full of trials and tribulations that must be suffered before death and deliverance. Followers are encouraged to hate evil and love good. Sadly, it appears that the insightful “turning the other cheek” teaching of Christ just has never fit into the framework of religious belief. It cannot be denied that religious organisations have been fighting among themselves and with each other from the very beginning until the present. For instance, in 325AD, The Christian cross was emblazoned on the war banners of Rome by King Constantine. This was not obviously part of the message of Christ. Let’s go back to the former discussion.
Making our reality does not mean that we create the material substance of our reality. We cannot alter the events on our Life-Track. So why are we not predestined? My answer [taken from VZ] is so simple and astounding that I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t throw this document into the fire after reading the next short sentence. Answer:
You are free to CHOOSE another life-track. Why not? If you agree that the events are already there to be made manifest by you, the observer and traveller on the track, then what is to prevent you from choosing to react or act in a slightly different way in certain instances? Of course, if you think you can’t, if you KNOW that you can’t then of course, you can’t. If you are still with me, then think about the New Testament. A well-known saying found there is that if you think you can move mountains, then you can. Why do you think some people overcome obstacles and succeed whilst others fall in a heap? Most of the time, but not always, they saw themselves able to organise the actions necessary to achieve the sought-for outcome. Of course, we differ in our education, skills, aptitudes and opportunities. But my reading reveals that many succeed against overwhelming obstacles. What was their secret? I emphasize, One: they thought they could accomplish and Two: they chose the means to accomplish. In effect, they shifted over into a new Life-Track. Remember, life-tracks are not real, the word just helps us to understand that we have the freedom to respond to each event we encounter along the way. When you view a history of all these choices, they may be described as a linear series of responses that lead to the present moment: a life-track so to speak.
The good news is that it worked for VZ who turned his life around and has since sold over two million of the Reality Transurfing series of books in Russia. There are lots of readers who have tried the methods he describes in the books and have written to him to thank him when they saw that that the method worked for them. Perhaps the new age saying may have gained more credence if it had been: “You choose your reality.” Now I have not written the above to help Vadim sell books, nor am I seriously into persuading anyone to follow my advice.
I’m just fascinated with this concept and personally realise that I have been receiving and changing my life-track using Vadim’s methods without even being aware it. Now I am more aware of the mechanism and can fine tune it for my own benefit and the benefit of my higher self, Gaia.
Transurfing is also helping me to be aware that in the past my judgements about how corporations treat the planet work at cross purposes with the reality I want to see. I am reminded of the truth in knowing that hating evil just strengthens the forces that we judge are causing the evil. We draw to us the very things that we dislike. The force of this movement is proportional to the intensity of the dislike. The Hsin Hsin Ming advises: “To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind.”
I have known for some time that before I can change anything about myself, I must start with acceptance, acceptance of both the light and darkness: my bad habits, my kindness and irrationality, my impatience, my defensiveness, etc. I must just say to myself, so here am I warts, faults, failures, past mistakes and all and that’s alright. It can’t be other than alright because I can’t go back and do it all over again. Blaming myself just blocks any healing available. So, I believe that if you want to move on, you start with acceptance of who and where you are. It just may be true that you must accept yourself before you can accept others. If you don’t then you may project your dark side onto them which makes it impossible for you to work on the projected issue because you won’t own up it anymore. Funnily enough, that’s similar to what VZ also says.
Concept and Explanation of what VZ calls Pendulums
I remember way back from my reading of the New Testament about Saul of Tarsus who became St. Paul. He talked about how he was troubled as to why he kept doing things that he felt were wrong. As I remember, he ended up blaming it on the devil. Perhaps this is where the phrase “the devil made me do it” comes from, I don’t know. However, we often find ourselves falling in to the “groove” as I call it behaving in the old way whereas we have decided that a new action or reaction is warranted and justified according to a changed basic belief. VZ has obviously thought this through and to my mind has solidified it into what he calls the power of pendulums.
Try as I might, I just can’t adopt the translation of what VZ calls them. I’m looking for another word. But for now, pendulum must suffice.
What is a pendulum? One might say that it is an energy structure. Perhaps it might be called an emotional energy pattern that can exist both as a part of the human body [perhaps any being but this idea is beyond the scope of my intent at the moment] and have an energy existence of its own. One could also perhaps see it as an energy vortex because of the way it gains adherents or followers or as some see it, captures the minds and hearts of sometimes great numbers of people. There are somewhat beneficial pendulums as well as destructive ones. Both varieties limit individual initiative. They establish control and impose someone else’s goals on us. Thankfully, you can avoid both by just ignoring them – don’t give them any of your energy. VZ points out the utter fruitlessness of fighting them. The more you rage against them the stronger they become – feeding off your negative energy. Of course, it works the other way also. The more energy you give to a relationship, for example, the stronger it becomes. If someone else’s goal happens to coincide with yours, and that someone else has many followers so to speak, then you will be caught up in what may be a constructive pendulum. That’s fine as long as you stay aware of what is happening to you. Buddhists are taught the virtue of non-attachment. Be sure that it is the right person and it is what you want for these energy structures can become quite binding. Please read VZ who provides a most complete explanation of pendulums, their nature and how to avoid destructive ones.
Here are some examples:
[1] The Nuremburg rallies from 1933 to 1938. The numbers finally reached over half a million. “The main purpose of the Nuremberg Rallies was simple; hero worship of the saviour [Hitler] of the great German nation. At least, that’s what he said, again and again and again, and that’s what those hundreds of thousands believed, again and again and again.” KTDykes on Yahoo Answers
“I was a little shocked at the faces,” Shirer wrote in his diary, “when Hitler finally appeared on the balcony for a moment. They reminded me of the crazed expressions I once saw in the back country of Louisiana on the faces of some Holy Rollers…they looked up at him as if he were a Messiah, their faces transformed into something positively inhuman.” American journalist William L. Shirer
[2] I had an experience when I was in High School at a program – if I remember correctly, it was Boys State – where High School Juniors meet and learn about State government and politics. We learned to campaign and went through the election process of electing a Governor. Well, during a campaign speech, heckling began. It persisted becoming highly disruptive, ridiculously disruptive and of course highly embarrassing to the speaker. It started small but gradually captured the minds of all of us. When it ended, I was shocked that we, including myself, had acted the way we did. We were caught in a destructive pendulum.
One might call this group energy. Destructive mob behaviour is a pendulum. Again, I don’t want to repeat what VZ explains thoroughly in Volume 1 Transurfing.
You can’t be happy tomorrow
Choose to become aware of all possible pleasant events, and then purposely squeeze out whatever joy they hold. You can’t be joyful tomorrow. There are so many happenings that may hold a source or stimulus to joy within. For example:
[1] The sky and cloud formations. Clouds are fascinating. At any given time, the particular juxtaposition of the clouds will never repeat. Each viewing experience is unique. What you are seeing and possibly enjoying will never occur just like that ever again. Of course, there are peak experiences at sunrise and sunset with the salmon coloured formations but there are particularly touching views that may occur at any time. This source of joy cost nothing and only requires a lift of the head and a switch from the internal dialogue which usually governs our waking moments to a couple moments of concentration on the view and an awareness of what comes up for you. I never feel as deeply connected with my past as I do sometimes when viewing the sky.
[2] Be aware of the flight of birds and their sounds. Stop and listen to the robin [especially the English robin] as it begins to sing in the autumn and throughout the winter and spring.
If you are fortunate, you may be visited by migratory birds. Here in Devon, UK, we are fortunate that swallows, chimney swifts and martins nest nearby and provide an endless array of aerial acrobatics. I am much less enthusiastic about the starlings, mainly because of how they chase away smaller birds from the feeding tray and because of their numbers; they soon gobble up the seed mixture that I provide. I am criticised for not liking them, but accepting them is a constant challenge. There is always something to work on, isn’t there?
[3] If you can find a stretch of woods to walk in, observe the seasonal changes, the varieties of wildflowers, seek out and think about the variety of trees and appreciate the innate beauty of their shape, colour of their leaves, bark. Stop and concentrate on just how they look as individuals instead of just glancing. Too often we live with a concept of what a tree looks like without really noticing their particularity. Observe the directional path of limbs and how they struggle to seek out the most light. I’ve seen an oak branch take a 45 degree turn, twist up and down and around; all to gain access to sunlight. Walk quietly and be aware of what is moving above you. You may be treated with the sight of a tree creeper or perhaps a squirrel hanging motionless hoping to remain unseen.
[4] In former years, I used to see bank voles and hedgehog babies among other wild creatures. Sadly, the tens of cats allowed to roam about have eliminated the lovely bank voles.
[5] Notice the variety of moths that are attracted to the porch light in the warm weather.
There are some fascinating varieties of shapes and colour.
What I am encouraging is the attitude that there are countless events all around you that you may learn to appreciate and that can be realised as sources of joy.
VZ takes 50 pages in Chapter IV to explain balance. He uses terms such as: balance, excess potential, balancing forces, emotions, attitudes and non-attachment in an exciting, thought performance that informs the reader with challenging reflections on the nature of being in harmony with all there is.
In music a natural note is neither sharped nor flatted. Naturalness is a noun stemming from nature-like. If like nature, a thing is natural. Yet in nature there is incredible diversity in form. No two trees look alike. No two human beings are exactly identical. So we must look more deeply into what is meant by naturalness. Perhaps something natural is not contrived; it doesn’t look made up. Can we not say that it has an innate balance to it? It fits, it is in a way neutral, not excessive in any direction. In a way, balance is somewhat indefinable. A natural object exhibits balance in an inexplicable way. We are sure that a given object does look natural, but it is remarkably difficult to explain exactly why it does so. So, it is this sense of naturalness, central in the philosophy of the I- Ching, that I believe we need to draw upon to better understand balance. A natural object has an innate balance. Living beings reflect an innate balance of form and exist subject to what we in the western world have called the laws of nature. With the aid of these laws, balance is maintained. VZ teaches that balance may be THE fundamental law of nature. All things strive to maintain balance. An object that is balanced is often the result of several vectors of force that have achieved balance and equilibrium. Any increase of decrease in any of the vectors will result in a change that normally reverts to equilibrium again but another level. If this is repeated, the characteristics and stability of the object may be altered in a negative way. So it is with reactions to the events around us. These forces are so deeply entrenched into our life and observations that they often go merrily along unnoticed. Anyone who stops and observes the outcomes of their behaviour will notice unfortunate results when excess potential is created and balancing forces move in to create equilibrium again. The balanced state that results may not be to your liking. Of course, balance does not mean steady state. All around us are fluctuations such as in tides, day and night, seasons and so forth. Still, there are balancing forces attempting to achieve balance. Now all of the preceding is just an attempt to prepare groundwork for what I wish to say next.
Within chapter four, VZ carefully crafts a treatise on balance. Balance and equilibrium as it applies to our everyday actions depend largely on just how we react to a given event. To maintain balance, we must limit the degree of importance of any event. Recall, that we draw to us what we dislike. When an event invokes an extremely negative or positive build-up of energy such as what happens when we judge that something we have encountered is wrong, exploitative, outrageous and we find our breathing rate increasing, our blood pressure increasing and agitation overcomes us, we can be sure that what VZ calls “balancing forces” will always be drawn to the occasion and
We will suffer. For instance, when we dwell on what we don’t want, visualize what we fear will happen, we move ever closer to the lifetrack containing just what we have imagined might happen. VZ suggests that at the bottom of all the difficulty lurks importance. Importance includes self-importance and the importance we place on the actions of others. How often have you observed how irate some people get over the actions of others when it doesn’t even affect them personally? To achieve balance in our lives, one must be vigilant, diligent and always crank down the level of importance. Yes, we can desire things. But working up nervous indigestion and stress over worries that you won’t get what you want is harmful. Once again, balancing forces will come into play. I can’t do justice to VZ’s story and encourage you to read Reality Transurfing I.