Archive for August, 2019
Summer weather becomes more persistent in a 2 °C world
Aug 22nd
Summer weather becomes more persistent in a 2 °C world
- Peter Pfleiderer,
- Carl-Friedrich Schleussner,
- Kai Kornhuber &
- Dim Coumou
Nature Climate Change
Published: 19 August 2019
Heat and rainfall extremes have intensified over the past few decades and this trend is projected to continue with future global warming1,2,3. A long persistence of extreme events often leads to societal impacts with warm-and-dry conditions severely affecting agriculture and consecutive days of heavy rainfall leading to flooding. Here we report systematic increases in the persistence of boreal summer weather in a multi-model analysis of a world 2 °C above pre-industrial compared to present-day climate. Averaged over the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude land area, the probability of warm periods lasting longer than two weeks is projected to increase by 4% (2–6% full uncertainty range) after removing seasonal-mean warming. Compound dry–warm persistence increases at a similar magnitude on average but regionally up to 20% (11–42%) in eastern North America. The probability of at least seven consecutive days of strong precipitation increases by 26% (15–37%) for the mid-latitudes. We present evidence that weakening storm track activity contributes to the projected increase in warm and dry persistence. These changes in persistence are largely avoided when warming is limited to 1.5 °C. In conjunction with the projected intensification of heat and rainfall extremes, an increase in persistence can substantially worsen the effects of future weather extremes.
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I still cannot understand how such detailed probability figures can emerge from a model when the increase of CO2 in the troposphere is increasing at an increasing rate and this rate is not constant. Please see:
Tipping point with CO2
Aug 21st
Feeding the future: Fixing the world’s faulty food system |
Josh Wilson, The Daily Telegraph
“The world is also facing an unprecedented climate emergency, with temperatures hurtling towards a dangerous tipping point.”
We are already suffering from having reached a tipping point with CO2. Our crisis is not “coming.” It is here!
“Year by year readings since 1959 taken from the NOAA’s Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory. These readings show that the amount of C02 per decade almost tripled in nearly 60 (59) years.”
Social Infrastructure
Aug 14th
Britain’s Social infrastructure is breaking down
Wed 14 Aug 2019
Aditya Chakrabortty
“Britain is being stripped of the buildings and spaces that host friends and gently push strangers together”
“Britain is being stripped of its social infrastructure: the institutions that make up its daily life, the buildings and spaces that host friends and gently push strangers together. Public parks are disappearing. Playgrounds are being sold off. High streets are fast turning to desert. These trends are national, but their greatest force is felt in the poorest towns and suburbs, the most remote parts of the countryside, where there isn’t the footfall to lure in the businesses or household wealth to save the local boozer.”
“Politicians bemoan the loss of community, but that resonant word is not precise enough. A large part of what’s missing is social infrastructure.”
“In ripping out our social infrastructure, we are outraging a wisdom that goes back centuries and spans countries.”
“But parks and libraries don’t generate cash. Social infrastructure has no lobby, no registry of assets and certainly no government agency. No Whitehall official monitors how much of it has closed or withered away – that relies on civil society groups to file freedom of information requests or badger town halls with survey.”
“The library really is a palace. It bestows nobility on people who can’t otherwise afford a shred of it. People need to have nobility and dignity in their lives. And, you know, they need other people to recognise it in them too.”
“Our people deserve palaces.”

Court ruled that ICWA is constitutional
Aug 10th
Court ruled that ICWA is constitutional

Earth Flag
Beautiful Child
“Updated: 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturns lower court decision
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously voted to uphold the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act; overturning a lower district court’s decision in a late decision Friday afternoon…. Passed in 1978, the Indian Child Welfare Act has been praised as the “gold standard” for by national child welfare organizations. The law states when a Native child is up for adoption, homes of family or tribal members are prioritized for placement.
Research has also shown that Native and non-Native children alike have better outcomes when they are raised in their communities rather than foster homes or state child welfare systems.
Sarah Kastelic, executive director of the National Indian Child Welfare Association, said that the decision was in the best interest of Native children.”