Archive for May 21, 2017
Trees are Vital to our Continued Existence
May 21st
Agony of Mother Earth (I) The Unstoppable Destruction of Forests
By Baher Kamal
“This is the first of a two-part series on how humankind has been systematically destroying world’s forests—the real lungs of Mother Earth. Part II will deal with forest depletion for wood-fuel.”
Agony of Mother Earth (II) World’s Forests Depleted for Fuel
By Baher Kamal
“This is the second of a two-part series on how humankind has been systematically destroying world’s forests—the real lungs of Mother Earth. Part I dealt with the relentless destruction of forests.”
It is the destruction of forests and the drying up of Savannah that prevents the Earth from recovering from the exponential increase of greenhouses gasses, especially methane and carbon dioxide. Without a doubt, it is the continuing greed expressed by the corporate Gods of growth and profit that maintains the ethics and laws that reinforce the ecocide and strongly resists efforts to cooperate with the planet’s ability to self-regulate. We are faced with the enemy within that we have so far been unable to subdue. With the US containing 41% of the world’s dollar millionaires and the number of worldwide billionaires increasing by double digits yearly, who can deny that there is little hope? Money talks.