Archive for July 15, 2013
The Eco-Psychology of Ecocide
Jul 15th
In a couple of weeks, I am attending a conference sponsored in part by a UK Eco-psychology organisation.
I hope to find out more about the factors leading up to the Ecocide caused by what appears to be a human death wish.
Marine life in Peril
Jul 15th
Acidic oceans of the future show extinction
“Today the ocean’s pH is lower than anything seen in the historical record in the past 800,000 years, scientists say. As the acidity increases, organisms such as corals, oysters, snails and urchins have trouble pulling minerals from the seawater to create protective shells. The study released Monday buttresses ecologists’ fears that such changes could ripple through entire ecosystems – and that ocean acidification could prove as consequential and catastrophic for the globe as any changes in air temperature associated with climate change.”