Archive for October, 2012
Oct 28th
Proverbs 13:23
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
23 A poor man’s field may produce abundant food,
but injustice sweeps it away.
“Date of Writing: Solomon’s proverbs were penned around 900 B.C. During his reign as king, the nation of Israel reached its pinnacle spiritually, politically, culturally, and economically. As Israel’s reputation soared, so did King Solomon’s. Foreign dignitaries from the far reaches of the known world travelled great distances to hear the wise monarch speak.”
I noticed this quote on a poster that hangs in the Church rooms in Hartland, Devon. The poster stated that the church was in favour of Fair Trade.
Imagine this statement from nearly three thousand years ago in a country known the world over for emphasis on the one true God, the God of Israel. And yet, as we speak, hundreds of thousands of people are on the brink of starvation largely [not totally, however because over-population is a huge factor also] because the well-to-do own the land and till single crops for export or to feed cattle for meat that the poor cannot afford to purchase.
[“Already 35 percent of the world’s grain harvest is used to feed livestock.” Charles C.Mann]
Steinbeck revealed atrocious economic exploitation and cruelty as California fruit growers lowered and lowered their fruit picking wages to nearly starvation wages for the unfortunates who lost everything as a result of the dust bowl. Even the dust bowl incident was the result of exploitation and fraud as thousands of newcomers were encouraged to plow up marginal land as a result of a slim, few years of just barely enough rain.
So what? Why do I raise this issue? Well, it seems to me that the message: Peace on Earth and Good will to men [women may have been included, I’m not so sure] has not ensued nor seems likely any time soon.
Most important to me is the question: Why, with the millions of believers in various religions, all preaching peace and love, do we still find injustice?
As an aside, I am reminded of the myth surrounding justice. To the establishment, justice means abiding and supporting the law. But we must not forget the golden rule. Those who have the gold make the rules.
There is a colossal difference between the justice meted out from upholding the law and the unjust laws that lead to injustice. Perhaps it is all about who is making the call. If you are a millionaire or billionaire, then it is unjust for the government to eliminate the injustice in laws that allow them to pay little or no taxes.
Where am I going with this? So far, despite our religions and morality, we behave like other life-forms and expand our territory towards maximising our growth and well-being. The Law of the Jungle as some put it. Animals expand their numbers until they eat out their environment and then the population collapses. Can we really expect that this will NOT happen to us? Of course, this would have happened centuries ago had we not chosen to enslave other animals, pen them up and then chop them up for dinner as we pleased. Within perhaps decades, the millionaires will eat and drink and the million will starve and die of thirst. Do you really think this cannot happen? Do you really think that your God will intervene and smite the wicked?
Update 15:37 28/10/2012
“Not only is the task daunting, it’s strange. In the name of nature, we are asking human beings to do something deeply unnatural, something no other species has ever done or could ever do: constrain its own growth (at least in some ways). Zebra mussels in the Great Lakes, brown tree snakes in Guam, water hyacinth in African rivers, gypsy moths in the northeastern U.S., rabbits in Australia, Burmese pythons in Florida—all these successful species have overrun their environments, heedlessly wiping out other creatures. Like Gause’s protozoans, they are racing to find the edges of their petri dish. Not one has voluntarily turned back. Now we are asking Homo sapiens to fence itself in.” [Mann as above]
Dealing with global warming calls for actions requiring political/social/economic cooperation – global cooperation. This has never been achieved. Not only global cooperation is required, but we are asking corporate structures built on a model of endless growth and profits. Grow or die. Of course most corporates don’t just die, they get swallowed up by other giants. Some lose their jobs and others bank a huge nest egg. A multinational corporation has no provision in its ethos to scale down, shed staff, limit production, retool – all of the very actions necessary for society to prepare for what lies ahead. We desperately need to decrease our population. Few agree with me here. Why? (1) Lots of folks think God has given them special privileges – privileges harmful to Gaia, our higher self. (2) Corporate growth depends on an ever increasing market. Fewer babies, fewer cases of formula sold etc.etc.
Update 16:14 28/10/2012
“Our record of success is not that long. In any case, past successes are no guarantee of the future. But it is terrible to suppose that we could get so many other things right and get this one wrong. To have the imagination to see our potential end, but not have the imagination to avoid it. To send humankind to the moon but fail to pay attention to the earth. To have the potential but to be unable to use it—to be, in the end, no different from the protozoa in the petri dish. It would be evidence that Lynn Margulis’s most dismissive beliefs had been right after all. For all our speed and voraciousness, our changeable sparkle and flash, we would be, at last count, not an especially interesting species.” [Mann as above}
Did Climate Change Help Create ‘Frankenstorm’?
Oct 27th
By Stephen Lacey and Joe Romm on Oct 26, 2012 at 2:28 pm
“Coastal areas[US] may be hit with storm surges of up to 6 feet, potentially reaching the highest levels ever recorded. The storm could last as long as 4-6 days, bleeding into the election.
The storm comes at a unique time politically. In August, the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida was disrupted by strong rain and flooding caused by Hurricane Isaac. Two days later in his acceptance speech, Mitt Romney mocked President Obama’s pledge to deal with climate change and “slow the rise of the oceans” — causing uproarious laughter among delegates. And for the first time since 1988, the presidential candidates did not talk about climate change during debates — even as data shows that the U.S. is experiencing the most extreme weather ever recorded.
‘The climate has shifted to a new state capable of delivering rare and unprecedented weather events,” explained meteorologist Jeff Masters earlier this year.’”
Shouldn’t this be a wake-up call?
Economic Death Trip
Oct 27th
Richard (RJ) Eskow, Op-Ed: “Nationalism and rage have been on the rise as countries like Greece have been forced to accept humiliating economic deals in order to stay afloat, one of which is to make repaying bankers a higher national priority than serving its own citizens. That’s where austerity inevitably leads: the overruling of democratic process by financial elites. Americans have been remarkably tolerant of the economic hardship imposed on them so far.”
It would be a mistake to think the rage isn’t there. The evidence is there. I see it in the Yahoo pinochle and euchre games I play. Over the last two or three years the balking, delaying, cursing, claims of cheating, unpleasantness is the norm now rather than the exception. Fear of hard times and possible poverty blank out kindness and fair play. There are the abusive shouts and pressure placed on young boys in little league, for instance.
Cooperation is buried in efforts to get what you can while the getting is possible, not good, just possible. Of course it is almost impossible to measure suppressed rage, but look around, think about it when you are observing behaviour and I suspect you will find it lurking under the unkind and inconsiderate behaviour around you. I believe, even when there is compliance and the lack of criticism, that most people know when they are being marginalised and exploited by corporates; banks especially. They feel it in the belly and it gest stored up and often becomes suppressed rage that erupts in some future event. Perhaps it is healthier to bitch, protest peaceably and speak out against injustice.
If you think people won’t agree with you on a topic, then don’t mention it.
Oct 25th
“But during the four nationally televised debates held so far – three presidential and one vice presidential – neither Democratic incumbent Barack Obama nor his Republican challenger Mitt Romney has even mentioned the subject of climate change.
“’According to a new survey from Texas University, 73 percent of the (U.S.) public believe that climate change is happening. In a recent Yale study, 70 percent say so. The surveys were made in September. So, what we see is that seven in 10 Americans notice this problem,’ Deans said.
He cited the recent report from Munich Re, which found that natural disasters have increased more in North America than in any other region of the world since 1980. Insured losses from weather catastrophes in North America between 1980 and 2011 totaled 510 billion dollars, according to Munich Re.”
Misleading posts
Oct 18th
Misleading Daily Mail Article Pre-Bunked by Nuccitelli et al. (2012)
Posted on 17 October 2012 by dana1981
It is always best to offer specific examples when talking about climate change skeptics and their misleading statements. This article is a good start. There are lots of comments from quite well informed readers. They are well worth reading. See the link above.
“To sum up, Rose and Curry were simply incorrect in virtually every assertion made in thisDaily Mail article.
- Global surface temperatures have most likely increased since 1997.
- Focusing on short-term temperature changes confuses short-term noise and long-term signal.
- Most global warming goes into heating the oceans, and as Nuccitelli et al. (2012) showed, global warming has not slowed.
- Natural variability is much smaller than the long-term global warming signal, and smaller even than the global warming signal over the past two decades.
- The slowed rate of global surface warming over the past decade is consistent with individual model runs, which show that these ‘hiatus decades’ are entirely expected.
- Over the long-term, the Earth has warmed as much as expected.
- Carbon pricing will result in a net benefit the economy as compared to doing nothing and trying to adapt to the consequences.”
YubeDude at 12:43 PM on 16 October, 2012
This article isn’t about science as it only skims the data, albeit incorrectly, this article is just another salvo in the war for the minds of the masses who are either to busy to notice of lack the sophistication to discern the high degree of sophistry being applied. This is about using a dishonesty of words to manipulate emotions in the reader who lacks the intellect to see the obvious propaganda. Maybe the motivation is pure business, trying to appeal to the readerships demographic. Regardless of the reasons for this article, the substance is appallingly misleading noise.”
Economic cost of climate change
Oct 4th
The Economic Damage of Climate Denial
The Economic Damage of Climate Denial
When you start talking about economics, the eyes of many a climate science geek (present company included) begin to glaze over. However, this is a critical subject. When you ask a climate contrarian why they won’t support climate action just in case they are wrong about the science, the contrarians will invariably assert that pricing and reducing carbon emissions will harm the economy. However, this assertion is in direct contradiction with the body of climate economics literature, which actually shows the opposite is true.
This post examines a new paper by Johnson and Hope (2012) which evaluates the overall cost of carbon emissions via climate change damages. Key points when these costs are taken into consideration:
- current estimates of the overall costs of carbon emissions (via damage from climate change) are generally too low
- when those costs are taken into account, solar energy is already cheaper than coal, and wind is probably cheaper than natural gas (both are already cheaper than coal)
- by failing to put a price on and reduce carbon emissions, and by continuing to rely on fossil fuels, we are damaging the economy
David Cameron considers a referendum on Europe
Oct 2nd
David Cameron considers a referendum on Europe
“The prime minister is considering making a major speech about Britain’s future relationship with Europe before December’s EU leaders summit.
The speech would set out his vision of how the UK will respond to the recent call from the European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso, for a new EU Treaty creating”
“a democratic federation of nation states”.
I challenge the use of the word “democratic” in this context. See below:
Comitology (or ‘committee procedure’) refers to the procedures under which the European Commission executes its implementing powers delegated to it by the legislative branch (i.e. the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union) with the assistance of so called ‘comitology committees’ consisting of Member State representatives. This delegation of power is now based on Article 290TFEU.
Comitology committees emerged in the 1960s when the Council realised that it lacked the resources to make all necessary implementation rules and decided to delegate implementing powers to the Commission. Today, most EU regulation is not enacted as legislation by the European Council or the European Parliament but as implementation measures under the executive duties of the Commission.
Notice the key phrase: “Today, most EU regulation is not enacted as legislation by the European Council or the European Parliament but as implementation measures under the executive duties of the Commission.”
To call this democratic is entirely misleading. It is the commission that holds the power in the EU, not parliament. The council represents the governments and is overburdened by thousands of lobbiest who represent corporate interests.
“Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.”
Folks, this is definitely not what we have and we will have even less of it for as long as we stay in the EU.
Most people that I have talked to about the situation when the UK voted to join the EEC thought they were joining an economic union and not a political union. They feel they had the wool pulled over their eyes. Perhaps we can see more clearly now.
93% of Fox News climate change coverage misleading
Oct 2nd
93% of Fox News climate change coverage misleading
Posted on 1 October 2012 by John Cook
“An analysis of prime time programs on Fox News has found that 93% of their coverage of climate science in 2012 was misleading. The report, published by the Union of Concerned Scientists, analysed six months of prime time segments covering climate change in early 2012.
The Wall Street Journal, News Corporation’s other media flagship, didn’t fare much better. The report also included WSJ opinion pieces over the last year and found 81% of their climate change coverage was misleading.
To characterise this coverage as biased doesn’t capture the magnitude of their treatment of climate science. News Corporation is promoting an inversion of reality. For the past several decades, there has been a strengthening scientific consensus that humans are causing global warming.
Surveys of the climate science community since 1996 have found the percentage of climate scientists agreeing on human-caused global warming has steadily increased to the point where in the last few years, several independent surveys have found 97% agreement among actively publishing climate scientists.”
How many people do you know make fact out of what they read in the paper?