Posts tagged Gaia Earth energy Aesthetics
Growing Up, Falling in Love
Apr 20th
Growing Up, Falling in Love
“We must fall in love with the Earth — the living, sacred planet, this “dynamic system,” in the words of the Bolivian legislation acknowledging its rights, ‘made up of the undivided community of all living beings, who are all interconnected, interdependent and complementary, sharing a common destiny.’”
This is the future — the only future we have.
Robert Koehler
Syndicated writer
Examining just why we do not love the Earth is a major theme of my book.
We are NOT the most important beings in this planet
Nov 25th
“I’ve been severely criticized for saying worms are more important than people… I made that statement intentionally. Why? Because it’s true. Worms are more important than people because they can live on the earth without us. We cannot live without them. Bees are more important than we are. We can’t live without them. They can live without us. That’s what we have to realize and understand. That if we’re going to survive on this planet, we have to respect the rights of all of those species to survive. Because we need them more than they need us.”
– Captain Paul Watson
Attributed to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society:
Inside the mind of the octopus
Nov 3rd
This is a truly wonderful article. I am envious. It reminds me of my experience with the dolphins at Monkey Mia, north ofPerth,Australia. They swim at your feet, rool over a bit and look at you.
I believe that there is just one consciousness, that of our higher self, Gaia. We are the planet. We are in a sense being lived rather than living “on” a planet.
Each material object expresses Gaia’s consciousness to the extent of its development. Gaia loves and cares for all parts of herself.
Deep Intellect
Inside the mind of the octopus
by Sy Montgomery
Published in the November/December 2011 issue of Orion magazine

Gaia’s Energy
May 15th
An early clear blue sky was rapidly gathering clouds Sunday as I finished breakfast and the sweet memory of the opening to Darrol Barry’s Lullaby for Lisa crept quietly into my thinking space. Ah yes, those four simple but hauntingly beautiful first four bars that I share with the horns almost brings me undone. They would be a prayer if I was a praying person. How can the simplicity of a quaver and a dotted minim of the same note moving up and then down the scale within four bars invoke such pleasant feelings? Let us ponder this. Traditionally some would call it an aesthetic sense. However, this leaves me cold and unsatisfied. I tried once to glean the essence of the area of philosophy called Aesthetics and got absolutely nowhere. I’ll take the blame but I need to better understand not only what happens to my body/mind during these experiences but how they tie in with being an Earthling – from the perspective of being within the folds so to speak of Gaia. Perhaps this is just Gaia’s energy, the energy that is always available and permeates through and all around us. Perhaps what we call special isn’t really special at all but just what we may have opened to at that particular time. I’m reminded of those who say that no one thing is more sacred than any other. If one thing is sacred than all of “it” is sacred. Surely separating the sacred from the mundane is a mindset that has shown its limiting colours and needs rethinking or re-feeling into. Surely our body/mind is always tuned to Gaia’s energy or perhaps I must say that since we are Gaia’s energy we might benefit from becoming more aware and sensitive to that part of ourselves. Any thoughts along these lines? Please share them.