Vote vote vote
Oct 17th
Whatever you do, do vote. Remember, that what counts is the number of ballots counted that contain what you favor, not what you think.
Failing to vote because you don’t like your party candidate just makes each vote for them more effective.
Yes, totally!
Oct 17th
😷 Dept. of “We Have It Totally Under Control.”
- Global: Total confirmed cases: ~39,127,000; deaths: ~1,096,000
- U.S.: Total confirmed cases: ~8,028,000; deaths: ~219,000
- Source: Johns Hopkins University
Oct 5th
James Phillips, doctor of emergency medicine at George Washington University, who is an attending physician at Walter Reed, called the stunt “insanity”.
“Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential ‘drive-by’ just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die,” he wrote in a tweet.
Why No Masks?
Sep 28th
Doug Mills/The New York Times
Why no masks? Disgraceful. Where will these people go and who will they possibly infect when they leave that room?
Why oh why must they possibly endanger the public over a simple protective procedure?
The answer to this question is obvious to me, what about you?
Misdirected Funds
Sep 23rd
“WASHINGTON — A $1 billion fund Congress gave the Pentagon in March to build up the country’s supplies of medical equipment has instead been mostly funneled to defense contractors and used for making things such as jet engine parts, body armor and dress uniforms.
The change illustrates how one taxpayer-backed effort to battle the novel coronavirus, which has killed roughly 200,000 Americans, was instead diverted toward patching up long-standing perceived gaps in military supplies.”
Who is running the show? Who is ultimately accountable? Is this an example of the wolves guarding the sheep?
Somebody in our government is not doing their job!
When breakdown becomes imminent
Apr 14th
“To summarize in plain language: if we allow society’s winners to continue organizing how society functions, because of their narrow interests they will almost always perpetuate their winnings until the system becomes so irresilient that a breakdown becomes imminent.” pg.33
The Great Release, Robb Smith
Democracy in the US is in great danger at the moment: 14/04/2020.
Tearing Down the System
Nov 22nd
“In a nutshell, American politics have tilted our economic system so far in favor of wealthy elites—and this has been by and large a bipartisan project—that establishment lawmakers are really the ones guilty of “tearing down” a modest (if flawed) system that once upon a time distributed riches more fairly. When Americans—the vast majority of whom are not millionaires—read reports like this one showing that “[f]or the first time in history, U.S. billionaires paid a lower tax rate than the working class last year,” for Obama to ask us to not tear down the system is deeply insulting. The system has already been destroyed—by billionaires and their backers in Congress and the White House, including Obama.”
Sonali Kolhatkar is a columnist for Truthdig. She also is the founder, host and executive producer of “Rising Up With Sonali,” a television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV (Dish Network, DirecTV,
Ban Chlorpyrifos
Jul 20th
E.P.A. Won’t Ban Chlorpyrifos, Pesticide Tied to Children’s Health Problems
July 18, 2019
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration took a major step to weaken the regulation of toxic chemicals on Thursday when the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it would not ban a widely used pesticide that its own experts have linked to serious health problems in children.
Chlorpyrifos (CPS) is an organophosphate pesticide used on crops, animals, and buildings, and in other settings, to kill a number of pests, including insects and worms. It acts on the nervous systems of insects by inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase enzyme.
Researchers studied the blood of women who were exposed to chlorpyrifos and the blood of their children from birth for three years. Children who had chlorpyrifos in their blood had more developmental delays and disorders than children who did not have chlorpyrifos in their blood. Exposed children also had more attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity disorders.
In general children may be more sensitive to pesticides than adults. One reason for this is that their bodies may break down pesticides differently. Children are also more likely to be exposed to pesticides when playing and may put their hands in their mouths more often than adults. Children may also be more sensitive to exposures because they have more surface area of skin for their body size than adults.
Visa Applicants Forced to Reveal Social Media Accounts
Jun 2nd
State Department Requiring Visa Applicants to Reveal Social Media Accounts, Raising Deportation Concerns
Published on Saturday, June 01, 2019 by Common Dreams
“They can falsely attribute some social media activity to you and claim you lied about it.”
American Society is in Rapid Decay
Jun 2nd
“Plutocrats like to control the range of permissible public dialogue. Plutocrats also like to shape what society values. If you want to see where a country’s priorities lie, look at how it allocates its money.”
“The unknown and unrecognized people who harvest our food are on the lowest rung of the income ladder despite the critical role they play in our lives.
Near the top of the income ladder are people who gamble on the prices of food via the commodities market and those who drain the nutrients out of natural foods and sell the junk food that remains, with a dose of harmful additives. Agribusiness tycoons profit from this plunder.”