Archive for January 27, 2016
Love of the Earth
Jan 27th
“You carry Mother Earth within you,” says Thay. “She is not outside of you.”
Thich Nhat Hanh interview with Jo Confino, an executive editor of the Guardian
I am so grateful for the message of Thich Nhat Hanh who gets right to crux; the missing, fundamental principle of why so many humans do not love the Earth and thus will not sacrifice for that which they do not love.
“You carry Mother Earth within you,” says Thay. “She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer. In that kind of relationship you have enough love, strength and awakening in order to change your life. Changing is not just changing the things outside of us. First of all we need the right view that transcends all notions including of being and non-being, creator and creature, mind and spirit. That kind of insight is crucial for transformation and healing.
Fear, separation, hate and anger come from the wrong view that you and the Earth are two separate entities, the Earth is only the environment. You are in the centre and you want to do something for the Earth in order for you to survive. That is a dualistic way of seeing. So to breathe in and be aware of your body and look deeply into it and realise you are the Earth and your consciousness is also the consciousness of the Earth. Not to cut the tree not to pollute the water, that is not enough.”