Archive for July, 2014
Frack off
Jul 28th
Frack off
“A typical early fracture took 750 gallons of fluid (water, gelled crude oil, or gelled kerosene) and 400 lbm of sand. By contrast, modern methods can use up to 8 million gallons of water and 75,000 to 320,000 pounds of sand. Fracking fluids can take the form of foams, gels, or slickwater combinations and often include benzene, hydrochloric acid, friction reducers, guar gum, biocides, and diesel fuel. Likewise, the hydraulic horsepower (hhp) needed to pump fracking material has risen from an average of about 75 hhp in the early days to an average of more than 1,500 hhp today, with big jobs requiring more than 10,000 hhp.”
“Those concerns (environmental) were aggravated in 2005 when fracking was specifically exempted from regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act.”
Here is a good place to become informed as to the harmful effects already present from fracking.
Energy at what price?
Jul 28th
BBC News 28 July, 2014
“He (Business and Energy Minister Matthew Hancock) added that shale gas was a ‘key part’ of the government’s plans to tackle climate change and ‘bridge to a much greener future’”.
Such rhetoric and “greenwash” is sickening to read. This destructive “tackling” is not an answer to mitigating the harmful effects of CO2 and other poisonous emissions that are the results of inexorable industrial growth.
“About half the UK is open for licensing, including parts of National Parks.”
Does wrecking National Parks sound green? These parks are our precious heritage and are not at the disposal of the current political whims.
Glyphosate Re-assessment in Europe
Jul 10th
Glyphosate Re-assessment in Europe
ISIS Report 09/07/14
Scandal of Glyphosate Re-assessment in Europe
“EU rapporteur state Germany recommends re-approval with daily intake increased
by 67 %; its re-assessment was carried out by Monsanto and a consortium of
chemical companies in Europe based almost entirely on studies from industry; it
should be rejected outright. Dr Nancy Swanson and Dr Mae Wan Ho”
This article can be found on the I-SIS website at