Archive for November 1, 2012
An Interview with Jorie Graham
Nov 1st
An Interview with Jorie Graham Issue 2 (August 2012) Earthlines Magazine
“SB: Your poetry has grown more ecological in subject matter over
time. What factors have contributed to that – has it followed the
pattern of your own personal transformations?
JG: To answer this question: once I woke up,
once I read-up, once I lived outside of the US where the green
movements arise out of a very wide swathe of the population
– once I lived on agricultural land in France where any farmer
was also a committed, informed and active environmentalist
– because he saw the bees disappearing and he knew what it
meant – because he saw the seasons coming unravelled and he
knew why – because he saw birds lose their way in migration
and knew why – because he saw his growing season alter, his
water disappear, his family come down with environmentally
induced cancers – once I watched so many people who live
on the land – in Iowa, in Wyoming, in Normandy – tell me
‘It is sick, it is sick, we are killing it’ – I began to read deeply
in the field. And I grew very afraid. And what scared me
most was the narrowing window of opportunity – the tools
at hand, but kept just out of reach by corporate interests and
greed, and a population as much lulled into their sleep by
(heavily financed) denial as by the very technology that could
have awakened them and handed them tools. I saw the failure
of courage as a failure of imagination. And that is where art
comes in. Or so McKibben thinks, and I agree.”
We were told by the best scientists that Sandy was coming and
would visit more and more often as long as the CO2 continued to
build. But we were NOT afraid.
It will take more than fear now
to seriously begin the recovery the burden of which will fall on
our children and grandchildren and perhaps many generations
to come. We desperately need to decrease our footprint and I am
afraid that it will be messy.